Attorney for Hit and Run Charges

If you’ve been charged with Hit and Run or Leaving the Scene of an Accident, your situation is more severe than you may realize. There are several reasons you need a top criminal defense attorney.

Attorney for a Leaving the Scene of an Accident

If you face leaving the scene of an accident charges, do not take your situation lightly.

Car accidents happen, and sometimes it’s challenging to figure out who caused the accident or how it occurred. Leaving the scene of the accident is a misdemeanor in Michigan, and it may be a felony under certain circumstances. Often, the charge of leaving the scene of an accident is commonly referred to as a Hit and Run. Michigan drivers must stop at the accident’s location and immediately report it to law enforcement. If you’ve been accused of leaving the scene of an accident, even if the allegation is untrue, it would be in your best interests to obtain the services of an experienced attorney for hit and run charges.

Ticketed for Hit and Run

Anyone who has been in a car accident knows that it is a frightening experience. The impact of the two vehicles can be painful or upsetting. There could also be apprehension about confronting the other driver. Some people fear getting out of the car or calling the police, believing they would get in worse trouble. Sometimes, it could be such a minor bump and considered no big deal by both drivers that they just wave at each other and continue driving.

In some cases, the impact may be so slight that a driver doesn’t even know a minor accident occurred. Now and then, a driver will hit an unattended vehicle and believe there’s no way or no need to get in touch with the car’s owner. Regardless of the situation, and it doesn’t matter if you caused the accident or not, failing to stop at the scene of the accident is a crime. Your actions for leaving the scene could result in a ticket for Leaving the Scene of an Accident, otherwise known as a Hit and Run.

You may be wondering if your charge is a civil infraction and not a criminal offense because you received a ticket. Unfortunately, officers can charge a driver with a misdemeanor by issuing a ticket in Michigan. If you have the ticket, look to the left of the line on the ticket that states the charge, you will see that it is marked “Misd,” and not “C/I.” A seasoned attorney for hit and run charges can look at your ticket and help you make sense of the charge and any possible defenses.

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Possible Penalties for Leaving the Scene of an Accident or Hit and Run Charges

Leaving the scene of an accident or hit-and-run is a serious crime. The penalties can vary depending on a few factors.

  • If the accident resulted in only property damage to the vehicle, that is a misdemeanor with a possibility of 90 days in jail and up to two years of probation.
  • If the accident caused any injury to another person, that is a misdemeanor as well, and there could be fines of up to $1,000.00 with a potential for jail time of up to one year and up to two years of probation.
  • Should there be serious bodily injury or death because of the accident, that would be a felony with fines up to $5,000.00, up to 5 years in prison, and 5 years on probation.
  • If the driver caused another individual’s death, this is a felony and could be punishable by up to 15 years in prison and fines of $10,000.00. If the defendant receives a year or less in jail, they may also be ordered to serve 5 years on probation.

For either a misdemeanor or felony, the penalties are steep. In addition to jail time or fines, the court could suspend your driver’s license, impose probation, drug or alcohol testing, and community service, among other things.

What to Do If You Didn’t Stop at the Scene of an Accident

If you have leaving the scene of an accident charges or even if you are fearful that law enforcement will charge you at a later date, contact a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney. It is always best to have an advocate on your side to ensure you’re fairly treated. Well-versed criminal defense attorneys, like those with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., will be familiar with police practices, how best to negotiate with tough prosecutors, and how to get the best result in court. There may have been reasons you did not stop at the scene of an accident, and an experienced criminal defense attorney will be able to advocate on your behalf.

Michigan Best Criminal Defense Attorney

Aggressive Criminal Defense Lawyers That Will Protect You

The team with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. will zealously defend you if you have been charged or believe you will be charged with Leaving the Scene of an Accident or Hit and Run. They have decades of experience and a track record of unparalleled client results. The LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. criminal defense law firm will execute several strategies to protect your rights and preserve your freedom. We offer a free consultation, so call us and share your side of the story.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

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