Criminal Trial Lawyer in Michigan – Jury and Bench Trial Experts

Not Just Criminal Defense Lawyers – Jury Trial Lawyers Who Can and Will Do Everything Possible to Win and Have a Track Record of Success

Michigan Best Criminal Defense Attorney

A Trial Lawyer vs. a Plea Lawyer

The trial lawyers with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. aggressively defend cases before juries using compelling arguments, aggressive cross-examination, and expert witness testimony. With decades of experience in the criminal justice system, our Michigan criminal defense attorneys have successfully defended clients in front of juries on domestic violence charges, OWI / DUI, sex crimes, fraud, drug crimes, and violence. Because we are successful trial lawyers in Southeastern Michigan courts, the prosecution knows that our criminal defense attorneys are seriously experienced jury and bench trial lawyers, not “plea lawyers.”

Most criminal defense lawyers are afraid to go to trial. Manipulating every client into a quick plea might be easy and profitable for some lawyers, but that is dishonest and unethical. A genuine criminal trial lawyer in Michigan will be known for their passionate and powerful ability to communicate, their ability to effectively and cogently persuade the trier of fact, and their propensity to achieve extraordinary results. At LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., our expert trial lawyers are renowned for their prowess in a trial, and prosecutors and judges go to astonishing lengths to avoid trials. Cases that may result in convictions with other lawyers are acquittals, dismissals, or highly favorable plea bargains with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C.

Extraordinary Plea Bargains and Sentence Bargains (Cobb’s Agreements)

Because prosecutors and judges know that our criminal trial lawyers do not fear taking a case to trial, we can secure plea bargains and sentence agreements that many other lawyers cannot achieve. The prosecutor has no incentive to make a reasonable plea offer or settlement agreement for a lawyer with a reputation for pleading out all of their clients. They will know the lawyer will pressure their client to plead guilty without a favorable resolution. When a criminal trial lawyer in Michigan credibly threatens to take a case to trial, the prosecutor has every incentive to bend over backward to achieve a resolution in a case, sometimes even an outright dismissal. The prosecution’s alternative is to risk the defendant’s attorney obtaining an outright acquittal at trial (a result many prosecutors sincerely fear). Suppose you want the best possible plea bargain. In that case, you need a criminal trial lawyer in Michigan who the prosecutor fears and maximizes your chance of obtaining an extraordinary resolution.

Attorney - Michigan - Awards

Beyond A Reasonable Doubt

Michigan Criminal Law requires that the government prove every element of a criminal offense beyond a reasonable doubt. This rule applies whether a defendant faces a DUI misdemeanor, domestic violence, or a serious felony such as assault, murder, or drug delivery. “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt” is defined as proof that is so strong that each juror has an “abiding conviction in the truth of the charge.” Each juror’s belief about the defendant’s guilt is so strong that they would not change their mind later that day, that week, or later than a month. In an argument, our trial lawyers make sure the jury understands the extent of this burden, and we work to discover the weaknesses in the state’s case effectively.

In Michigan, even if the juror feels the defendant likely did it, but not beyond a reasonable doubt, they take an oath to vote to acquit the defendant. Jurors frequently have difficulty understanding and applying this burden, and it is the trial lawyer’s job to help the jury understand the significance of the burden of proof. Virtually every client desires to avoid trial and achieve a dismissal, plea bargain, or lenient sentence. When a trial is unavoidable, we aggressively defend our clients to obtain jury trial acquittals. Our recent trial victories include numerous acquittals involving domestic violence charges, armed robbery, DUI, felonious assault, fleeing and eluding, retail fraud, and more.

Achieving Outstanding Trial Results Takes Time, Experience, and Patience

Taking a case to trial is not a decision to be made lightly and should not be decided at the 11th hour. Adequate trial preparation can take months. A veteran Michigan criminal trial lawyer will begin building a case for trial from the moment they take the responsibility of representing you against a criminal charge. Early preparation does not mean the case will go to trial; the lawyer will be in the best possible position to achieve an extraordinary outcome if they prepare as early as possible. Many clients do not realize that very few criminal cases result in a trial, and the reasons are relatively simple: Neither side wants to settle a good case, and neither side wants to take a bad case to trial. Less than five percent of criminal cases end up in a jury trial. If you factor out capital cases, the percentage is close to one percent. Often, your lawyer and the law firm’s investigative and legal skills make the difference.

If, after a thorough investigation, your attorney decides you have a strong case, they will hold out for a deal too good to risk losing at trial. A trial might be your best option if the prosecutor doesn’t offer you a great deal. A qualified trial attorney will have conducted an independent investigation of your case, reviewed witness statements, evidence, and other materials, and prepared your case for trial. The depth and breadth of the investigation are often commensurate with the complexity and seriousness of the charges. Jury selection requires a comprehensive review and extensive questioning of jurors. Many trial lawyers believe a case is won or lost after they complete opening statements.

Defense witnesses, experts, and other professionals must be secured, prepared, and scheduled to testify on your behalf. In severe cases, the defense lawyer can mitigate the defendant’s guilt by reviewing the client’s childhood or family history with the jury. The defense attorney must conduct a detailed investigation to prepare for trial properly. Extraordinary results do not happen by chance; it takes hard work, skill, and a passion for winning to be successful.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Hiring a Criminal Trial Lawyer in Michigan – Jury and Bench Trial Expert

Hiring a criminal trial attorney in Michigan is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, and you will not get a second chance. At LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., we believe every defendant has the right to a skilled and experienced trial attorney. That is why we offer free and confidential appointments to anyone facing a misdemeanor or felony charge. At LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., we have built our reputation on dealing thoroughly and fairly with each case. Our office does not take lightly the obligation of representing a defendant at trial. We have access to the investigators, expert witnesses, appellant lawyers, and other professionals necessary to aggressively and effectively fight for your rights in the negotiating room or the courtroom. Whether your case is in Oakland County, Macomb County, Wayne County, Washtenaw County, Livingston County, or elsewhere in Michigan, we will find a way to help you at an affordable price, and we are not afraid to win!

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you.
We Are Not Afraid to Win!

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