Alternatives to Incarceration for Substance Abusers
“Alternatives to Incarceration” is a program that can help defendants with addiction issues who are facing criminal charges. Court’s will sometimes agree to refer a defendant for drug and/or alcohol treatment.

Admission to ATI is Not Guaranteed
Involvement in Alternatives to Incarceration (ATI) needs to be agreed to by the court, the defendant, and community corrections. The program is only available to those facing misdemeanor drug or alcohol offenses who have a verifiable substance abuse problem. A defendant can be sentenced to treatment instead of jail or might be ordered into treatment as part of a bond condition. There is also a possibility of residential treatment. The courts, mental health, and substance abuse professionals are starting to realize that treating a substance abuse problem is paramount to keeping a defendant from becoming a repeat offender. Incarceration without dealing with the reasons for the substance abuse and/or mental health problem will not help the person in the long run, and they will be right back into the criminal justice system.
The ATI program features may include:
- transportation
- intake assessment and evaluation
- treatment, discharge and aftercare planning
- daily group therapy
- weekly individual therapy
- 24-hour staff supervision of a highly structured treatment regimen
- on-site 12 Step meetings
- GED/Adult Education classes
- HIV/STD education
- budget and life skills
- non-denominational worship services
- PBT and random urinalyses and contraband searches
- regular written progress reports
To qualify for the ATI program, an alternative to incarceration, a person must be a non-violent offender (male or female) and at least 17 years old. Oakland County Community Corrections must pre-authorize treatment. The program encourages judges to suspend all, or part, of a sentence to jail for participation in the program.
Oakland County Community Corrections and the Prior Authorization and Central Evaluation (PACE) unit provide funding for the program through Oakland County Community Mental Health.

ATI is one of the many programs available.
It takes an experienced defense attorney to know about all of the alternatives to incarceration, what a person can qualify for, and the secret to getting a client accepted by the sentencing judge.
There are numerous programs available for people with mental health and substance abuse problems. ATI is only available for misdemeanor offenses, but numerous programs are available for felony offenses. The number of programs seems to grow almost weekly. This is why you need a top-notch criminal defense attorney who stays current on the law, options for clients, and the best way to protect the client’s rights.

Top-Rated, Successful, and Tenacious Criminal Defense Lawyers
LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. has attorneys that are award-winning, professional, and highly competent. Its attorneys have served in various capacities in their communities, the courts, and private practice. LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. prides itself on being a law firm with some of the most respected, knowledgeable, and professional attorneys available. Although each of our attorneys has good working relationships with prosecutors, a prosecutor does not want to see one of our attorneys on the other side of a courtroom from them. Prosecutors know we are there to win!! If you are interested in alternatives to incarceration, we can fight for a solution that is right for you.
Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.