State of Michigan Concealed Weapons License Requirements
You must have a CPL in Michigan to lawfully carry a concealed firearm. A CPL is relatively easy to obtain if a prior conviction or another disqualifying reason does not disqualify you.

Obtaining a Concealed Pistol License
Applicants for a Michigan Concealed Pistol License must meet specific concealed weapons license requirements. It might be difficult for a person to determine whether they meet the complex criteria set forth by Michigan. The following is a general guideline that you can use to give you a basic idea if you are eligible to have a concealed weapons permit.
- The applicant must be at least 21 years of age.
- Citizens of the United States or an immigrant alien lawfully admitted into the United States.
- A resident of the State of Michigan for at least six (6) months before application. An applicant is a state resident if he possesses a valid, lawfully obtained Michigan driver’s license or state identification card, the applicant is legally registered to vote in Michigan, the applicant is on active duty status with the United States Armed Forces and stationed outside of Michigan, but Michigan is the home of record, or the applicant is on active duty status with the United States Armed Forces and is permanently stationed in Michigan, but the home of record is another state.
- Completed a pistol safety training course.
- Not be subject to any of the following: (a) An order requiring involuntary hospitalization or alternative treatment, (b) An order finding legal incapacitation, or (c) A finding of not guilty by reason of insanity.
- Not be subject to a conditional bond release prohibiting the purchase or possession of a firearm.
- Not be subject to a current personal protection order.
- Not be prohibited from possessing, using, transporting, selling, purchasing, carrying, shipping, receiving, or distributing a firearm under MCL 750.224f (the felony in possession of a firearm statute).
- Have never been convicted of a felony in Michigan or elsewhere (state or federal).
- Have no felony charge pending in Michigan or elsewhere (state or federal).
- Have not been dishonorably discharged from the United States Armed Forces.
- Have not been convicted of one of the following misdemeanors in the eight (8) years immediately preceding the date of application:
- Failing to stop when involved in a personal injury accident.
- Operating while intoxicated, second offense.
- Drunk driving, commercial vehicle.
- Reckless driving.
- Driving while license suspended or revoked, second or subsequent offense.
- Operating aircraft while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance with a prior conviction.
- Hindering or obstructing certain persons performing official weights and measures duties.
- Hindering, obstructing, assaulting, or committing bodily injury upon the director or authorized representative.
- Operating an ORV under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance, second or subsequent offense.
- Operating a snowmobile under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance, second or subsequent offense.
- Operating a vessel under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance, second or subsequent offense.
- Possessing a controlled substance, controlled substance analog, or prescription form.
- Operating a locomotive under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance, or while visibly impaired.
- Displaying sexually explicit materials to minors.
- Assault or domestic assault.
- Aggravated assault or aggravated domestic assault.
- Breaking and entering or entering without breaking.
- Fourth-degree child abuse.
- Accosting, enticing, or soliciting a child for immoral purposes.
- Vulnerable adult abuse.
- Solicitation to commit a felony.
- Impersonating a peace officer or medical examiner.
- Illegal sale of a firearm or ammunition.
- Illegal use or sale of a self-defense spray.
- Sale or possession of a switchblade.
- Improper transportation of a loaded firearm.
- Failure to have a pistol inspected.
- Accepting a pistol in pawn.
- Failure to register the purchase of a firearm or a firearm component.
- Improperly obtaining a pistol, making a false statement on an application to purchase a pistol, or using false identification to purchase a pistol.
- Intentionally aiming a firearm without malice.
- Intentionally discharging a firearm aimed without malice.
- Possessing a firearm on prohibited premises.
- Brandishing a firearm in public.
- Possession of a firearm by an individual less than 18 years of age.
- Intentionally discharging a firearm aimed without malice causing injury.
- Parent of a minor who possessed a firearm in a weapon-free school zone.
- Setting a spring gun or other device.
- Possessing a firearm while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a drug.
- Weapon-free school zone violation.
- Indecent exposure.Stalking.
- Fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct.
- Reckless, careless, or negligent use of a firearm resulting in injury or death.
- Careless, reckless, or negligent firearm use results in property damage.
- Reckless discharge of a firearm, MCL 752.863a.
- Have not been convicted of one of the following misdemeanors in the three (3) years immediately preceding the date of application (under current Michigan concealed weapons license requirements):
- Refusal of a commercial vehicle operator to submit to a chemical test.
- Ignition interlock device reporting violation.
- Circumventing an ignition interlocking device.
- Operating a commercial vehicle with alcohol content.
- Operating an aircraft under the influence.
- Operating an ORV under the influence.
- Operating an ORV while visibly impaired.
- Operating a snowmobile under the influence.
- Controlled substances.
- Disorderly person.
- Embezzlement.
- False pretenses with intent to defraud.
- Larceny.
- Second-degree retail fraud.
- Larceny, vacant building.
- Larceny, by conversion.
- Larceny, defrauding lessor.
- Malicious destruction of property.
- Malicious destruction of real property.
- Receiving stolen property.
- Malicious use of telephones.
- Have not been found guilty but mentally ill of any crime and have not offered a plea of not guilty of, or been acquitted of, any crime by reason of insanity.
- Have never been subject to an order of involuntary commitment in an inpatient or outpatient setting due to a mental illness.
- Not have a diagnosed mental illness at the time the application is made, regardless of whether they are receiving treatment.
- Not be under a court order of legal incapacity in this state or elsewhere.
- Not be detrimental to the safety of themselves or any other person if issued a Concealed Pistol License.

Federal Requirements for a CPL
The license requirements for issuance of a Michigan Concealed Weapons Permit require that an applicant is not prohibited from possessing or transporting a firearm under federal law. The federal requirements to possess or transport a firearm include that the applicant not have been convicted in any court of, or under indictment for, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year, not be a fugitive of justice, not be an unlawful user of drugs, not be adjudicated as a mental defective or who has been committed to a mental institution, not be an alien who is illegally or unlawfully in the United States, not be discharged from the United States Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions, not have renounced their citizenship, not be subject to a PPO or civil restraining order, and not be convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
Expungement for Restoration of CPL
If you would like a CPL and have a conviction for any of the previously described offenses, obtaining an expungement of the offense or having the conviction set aside may be possible. Under Michigan law, upon entry of an order setting aside a conviction or following an automatic expungement, it is as if the person was not previously convicted. In other words, when asked whether they have a previous conviction, the answer is “no.”
Suppose you can get the conviction removed or set aside from your record. In that case, it is as if your felony never occurred, and you could become eligible under the requirements for a Concealed Weapons Licensing Permit. The Federal Bureau of Investigations is re-examining whether it will honor a Michigan expungement for purposes of a federal firearms background check. Suppose the FBI does not honor a Michigan expungement. In that case, the Michigan State Police will not provide a passing background check, and, as a result, the applicant will not successfully pass the concealed weapons license requirements and will be forced to appeal.

Michigan’s Firearms Rights Experts – Concealed Weapons License Requirements
LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. is Michigan’s premier criminal defense law firm specializing in filing Motions to Expunge or Set Aside Convictions, the defense of felony and misdemeanor offenses (federal and state), and seeking restoration of gun rights for Michigan residents. If you have an important legal matter that you need to discuss with a seriously experienced criminal defense attorney, including concealed weapons license requirements, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us directly. We will find a way to help you. We can also answer any questions you have regarding concealed weapons license requirements.
Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.