Michigan Court of Appeals Update

A Man in Jail Who Shared Information About Former Girlfriend With Another Inmate to Have Her Killed is Not Predatory.

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When a court sentences someone on a felony offense, the sentencing judge should consider “sentencing guidelines.” Sentencing guidelines are variables that are scored based on the facts of the offense and criminal history of the defendant. The higher the point totals – the higher the recommended sentence. Although a judge is not required to sentence a felony defendant within the guidelines, there must be a reason for going above or below any recommended sentencing range. A recent Michigan Court of Appeals decision examines how “predatory conduct” is defined under the Sentencing Guidelines.

A Capable Defense Lawyer Fights for the Best Scoring of the Sentencing Guidelines – Fighting to Redefine “Predatory Conduct”

In the recent case of Michigan v Ronald Earl Cooper, the Michigan Court of Appeals decided that attempting to plan the killing of a former girlfriend did not constitute predatory behavior by Mr. Cooper, so his guidelines were scored too high. Because the guidelines were scored too high, Mr. Cooper’s ultimate sentence was too high and was reversed on appeal.

Offense Variable 10 – Explained

Offense Variable 10 (OV 10) is the exploitation of a vulnerable victim. If there were predatory conduct involved, the score would be 15 points. If the offender exploited a victim’s physical disability, mental disability, youth or agedness, or a domestic relationship, or the offender abused their authority status, it would be a score of 10 points. If the exploitation occurred because there was a size or strength difference, or both, the victim was intoxicated, under the influence of drugs, asleep or unconscious, would score five (5) points. The score is zero if there was no exploitation of a victim’s vulnerability.

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How Can Soliciting the Killing of A Former Girlfriend Not Be Predatory Conduct?

Predatory conduct encompasses pre-offense conduct, such as lying in wait and stalking. “Run of the mill” planning does not rise to the level of predatory conduct. There must be some form of exploitation of the victim. The court decided that the information given to the inmate could have been gotten through innocent means while the relationship was ongoing. So, there was no predatory behavior, and scoring the 15 points under the guidelines was incorrect.

Helping Clients Avoid Jail and Prison

Judges and prosecutors routinely assume unfavorable facts are accurate with the goal of incarcerating defendants who should never be put in jail or increasing the sentences of those who are likely to be sent to jail or prison. This is done by artificially increasing sentencing guidelines by assuming facts are true or bending facts to fit within the sentence guidelines variables. What is the difference between a typical criminal defense lawyer and a great criminal defense attorney? Where most criminal defense attorneys are too afraid to stand up to a judge or prosecutor and fight for a lower sentence, a great lawyer will not be stopped when fighting to get the best possible sentence! If judges or prosecutors are arguing for higher guidelines, it is the defense attorney’s job to fight every calculation that can be challenged in good faith. If one point is improperly scored and the defense attorney is not fighting for the client, an unacceptable injustice results.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

The Fearless Use of Creative Arguments and Cutting Edge Theories Is the Difference Between a Good Criminal Defense Attorney and a Great Criminal Defense Attorney

The good and affordable attorneys at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. pride themselves in being the voice for the voiceless. It is essential to our attorneys that every avenue and every defense is investigated, even defending against predatory conduct allegations. LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C.’s attorneys, are renowned for their creative thinking and fiercely and fearlessly protecting their clients. Our attorneys have spent their entire professional careers going the extra mile to protect the rights of anyone charged with a criminal offense. They will settle for nothing less. If you are in trouble or know someone who is, please call the attorneys at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. We will put our decades of experience to work for you and ensure you receive the highest level of defense and protection in court.

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