How can I get my arrest warrant dismissed?

If a court issues a warrant for your arrest, hiding or failing to deal with it is a recipe for disaster.

Michigan Best Criminal Defense Attorney

Arrests Warrants Never Expire

Warrants do not expire; the longer they are pending, the more likely the defendant will serve jail time. The more promptly a warrant is set aside or dismissed, the higher the chance that imprisonment will not be necessary. If you are asking yourself, “how can there be a warrant for my arrest?” you need to be taking steps to prevent an untimely arrest or needless incarceration.

Steps to getting rid of a warrant:

  1. find out which court issued the warrant,
  2. find out if it is a civil or criminal warrant,
  3. find out if the warrant is on a felony or misdemeanor case,
  4. try to get the prosecutor or judge to set aside the warrant, and
  5. if the warrant cannot be set aside, appear on the warrant personally.

The first question is what court issued the warrant. Judges issue warrants, not police officers or law enforcement agencies. Once you figure out which court issued the warrant, the next question is why there is a warrant in the first place. There are many reasons a warrant can issue for your arrest:

  • a new criminal charge,
  • violation of probation,
  • failure to appear for a scheduled court hearing,
  • failure to comply with a judgment,
  • failure to comply with a subpoena, and
  • contempt of court.

In virtually every case, the best thing you can do if a judge orders a warrant for your arrest is to consult immediately with a top criminal defense lawyer to determine your options. An experienced lawyer will know the fastest way to get rid of the warrant, with the least amount of aggravation.

How do I get rid of a misdemeanor warrant?

The Defense Team at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. receives daily calls from individuals asking, “how do I get rid of a warrant for my arrest?” If there is a new misdemeanor charge, it may be possible for a lawyer to get the warrant set aside simply by filing paperwork with the court advising them that a lawyer represents you; this is called an appearance. If the warrant was issued because you failed to comply with a court order or because of an error, an attorney might be able to work with the court’s clerk to have the issue corrected and get the warrant dismissed. Some judges have policies requiring a defendant to appear personally in certain courts.

In the event of a new misdemeanor charge, there are two alternatives. You may have to appear for arraignment on the warrant personally. So long as you go with experienced, retained counsel, the judge will likely release you on a personal bond (requiring no money) or a very low cash bond. The court might issue a warrant that requires an appearance or a small deposit with the court. For example, a warrant may require a personal presence or, in the alternative, a deposit of $200.00. If this were the case, the defendant could pay $200.00 to have the warrant recalled or canceled.

What is an Arrest Warrant

How do I get rid of a felony warrant?

If you face felony charges, the only way to have a felony warrant canceled or removed is with a personal appearance. The best chance of getting a personal bond (one that doesn’t require a cash payment) or a bond requiring only a small deposit of money is with an experienced and successful criminal defense attorney. A judge or magistrate considers several factors when setting a bond. An excellent lawyer will know how to address each factor effectively to get the lowest possible bond. In most felony cases, there is no legal requirement for the judge or magistrate to order a bond that requires a money payment. If you are wondering, “how do I get rid of a warrant for my arrest on a felony case?” the answer is: only with the assistance of experienced, respected defense counsel.

How do I get rid of a warrant for violation of probation or bond?

If you face probation or bond violation allegations in a felony or misdemeanor case, the court will almost certainly require you to appear in person on a warrant. In some cases, however, the attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. can convince a judge or probation officer to withdraw a warrant if there was a mistake or misunderstanding that resulted in an erroneous probation violation allegation. If you have to appear, you are entitled to a bond while your attorney works to get the violation dismissed or advocate for a lenient resolution. In these cases, the attorney’s first job is to get the judge to release you on a very low bond or doesn’t require the payment of any money. The odds of avoiding a jail or prison sentence for probation violations increase substantially if the client remains out of custody and on bond.

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What if I live out of the state of Michigan?

If you live outside Michigan and there is a warrant for your arrest, you should know that it will never expire. Every state in the U.S. has extradition laws that provide for the transfer of wanted individuals to courts throughout the United States. Extradition is when a person is arrested on an out-of-state warrant and forcibly transported to the state with a pending felony arrest warrant. Typically, courts do not extradite people on misdemeanor warrants. However, there are cases where the court or Michigan Department of State can suspend a person’s driver’s license, and the suspension would apply in every state. The only way to get rid of such a suspension would be to appear on the warrant or hire a lawyer to try to settle the case without your appearance.

If a judge issues a felony warrant for your arrest, an experienced defense lawyer could negotiate with the prosecutor to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor with an agreement that you will enter a plea of guilty or no contest by mail. If the government does not reduce the felony charge, you will have to appear with retained counsel to get the warrant set aside.

What if someone is being extradited on an out-of-state warrant?

If someone is getting extradited, they could still be released from custody on a bond. Few lawyers know how to request a bond on an extradition case; however, the Defense Team with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., has successfully obtained an affordable bond for clients countless times. Our team developed a winning strategy that consistently produces affordable bonds, even in severe cases and those with longstanding warrants.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Attorneys Who Routinely Get Warrants Set Aside

LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. can get our clients released from custody in most cases, even with a pending extradition warrant! We routinely appear in courts throughout Michigan and know the best arguments to make in favor of low and personal bonds. Representing yourself or going with an inferior lawyer to an arraignment on a warrant can result in unnecessary incarceration and irreparably harm your chances of obtaining a favorable resolution in your case. Don’t trust your fate to the lowest bidder; you must protect your freedom.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

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