AIOCLA’S 10 Best in Michigan
Mr. Loren M. Dickstein Has Been Nominated and Accepted as a Two Years AIOCLA’S 10 Best in Michigan For Client Satisfaction

Elite Level Criminal Defense Attorney
The American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys has recognized the exceptional performance of Michigan’s Criminal Law Attorney, Mr. Loren M. Dickstein, as 10 Best Criminal Law Attorneys in Michigan for Client Satisfaction.

The American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys is a third-party attorney rating organization that publishes an annual list of the Top 10 Criminal Law attorneys in each state. Attorneys selected to the “10 Best” list must pass AIOCLA’s rigorous selection process based on client and peer nominations, thorough research, and AIOCLA’s independent evaluation. AIOCLA’s annual list was created as a resource for clients during the attorney selection process.
One of the most significant aspects of the selection process involves attorneys’ relationships and reputation among their clients. As clients should be an attorney’s top priority, AIOCLA places the utmost emphasis on selecting lawyers for “Best in Michigan For Client Satisfaction” recognition. Only the lawyers who have achieved significant success in the field of Criminal Law without sacrificing the service and support they provide. Selection criteria, therefore, focus on attorneys who demonstrate the highest standards of Client Satisfaction.
We congratulate Mr. Loren M. Dickstein on this achievement and are honored to have him as a Two Years AIOCLA Member.

Best in Michigan for Client Satisfaction – Sampling of Client Reviews
“I lost my license in 2008 when I was convicted of OWI 2nd offense in Oakland County. Unfortunately, I didn’t use Loren for that case. I’ve lived to regret not having a good lawyer. I hired Loren Dicksten in 2021 to get my license back. I moved from Michigan in 2014 and now live out west. Needless to say, we were successful in filing and winning an out-of-state petition for restoration of my driver’s license. 5-stars is not even enough!!” – Bruce on July 12, 2021
“Say what you want, but Loren will tell you how it is, and you can take his word to the bank. I contacted him amount 9 months ago when a false accusation was made against me involving my niece. He told me right from the beginning how things would go, and he hit it like a psychic. His strategy was flawless, and I was cleared. Grateful doesn’t adequately express my sincere appreciation for his skill, intuition, and brilliance. His team was also very helpful and great with communication. I was never left wondering if anything was being done for me. They always kept me in the loop.” – Sumeet on July 10, 2021
“I was charged with retail fraud cases in Macomb and violation of probation in Oakland County and hired Loren Dickstein at the Lewis and Dickstein law firm. The lawyers and staff at the firm were first class right from the start. I’ve worked with several lawyers and can tell you that this is one serious operation with top-tier staff. When you walk into the lobby on the 23rd floor of the Town Center, you know right away this is a power broker-type firm. Throughout your representation by this crew, you will walk away with a certainty that everything possible to help you and achieve your goals was done with 110% effort and skill. Thank you for all you did to help me, especially getting my retail fraud charges dismissed.” – James on June 21, 2021.
“I’m so very thankful for everything you did for me. I could not have asked for anything more from my lawyer. Your comment during our last phone call where you told me you’ll always be there for me meant more than I can even tell you.” – Marsh on May 27, 2021.
“My experience with lawyers has not been good. Loren is the exception to the rule. He and the group of lawyers with his firm are next level. He was honest with me from the start, did what he said he was going to do for me (and more), and returned all my calls and emails. This was a totally different experience than I’ve had in the past. I see the benefit of having a talented team is immeasurable. I highly recommend him and everyone at his firm.” – Marco on April 27, 2021

Client Satisfaction is a Top Priority at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C.
If you would like a free consultation with Mr. Loren M. Dickstein at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C., call us at (248) 263-6800. Loren and his team treat every client with dignity and respect. They leave no stone unturned when fighting to protect and defend a client. Getting a dismissal of all charges is our highest priority, when possible. If there is no way to get charges dismissed, the Defense Team will do everything they can to get charges reduced and a lenient sentence imposed. Loren and the team have decades of experience successfully defending clients throughout Southeastern Michigan. Because of their high level of commitment, Loren has been recognized for being the Best in Michigan for Client Satisfaction.
Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.