Michigan Driving Record and Points
You are probably concerned about points on your driving record if you face traffic charges. Points can lead to restricted or revoked driving privileges, increased insurance premiums, and more.

What You Need to Know About Michigan’s Driving Record Points System
Driving is a privilege. Your driver’s license may be limited, suspended, or revoked if you don’t consistently demonstrate that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to drive safely. The Secretary of State’s Driving Record Points System has access to data from the police and the courts, including information on traffic infractions, collisions, and specific criminal offenses. Your driving history will contain details regarding any accidents and moving violations, whether legal or illegal.
Driving Records in Other States
All states report any traffic accidents, convictions, and determinations of guilt to the Michigan Secretary of State and the Driving Record Points System. Your driving record in Michigan will reflect any convictions from other states and points tallied under Michigan’s point system.
How long do points stay on your record?
Convictions often impact your driving record for at least seven (7) years. The Secretary of State keeps your driving record for at least ten years after certain convictions and license actions. A drunk driving conviction or offense resulting in a death stays permanently on your driving record and the Driving Record Points System.
Michigan’s Driving Record Points System
According to Michigan law, some traffic violations are civil infractions, felonies, or misdemeanors. Michigan’s Motor Vehicle Code establishes a point value for all civil and criminal moving violations. The point values are tracked in the Driving Record Points System. You might receive a fine, be directed to a special program, or, in the most severe circumstances, go to jail, depending on the offense. In most cases, the Secretary of State will suspend your driver’s license if you don’t pay a traffic penalty. If you acquire any moving offenses with a suspended license, the Secretary of State will order an additional suspension, and you’ll have to pay a reinstatement fee. Police officers can charge drivers with civil infractions and misdemeanors with a traffic ticket. State and local prosecutors charge some misdemeanors and all felony charges.
Common Point Values for Traffic Violations:
Six Points:
- Manslaughter, negligent homicide, or other felony while using a motor vehicle
- Operating while intoxicated (OWI) or operating with any presence of a Schedule 1 drug or cocaine (an offense carrying a prison sentence of up to 15 years if a death results)
- Failure to Yield to an Emergency Vehicle Causing Injury or Death
- Failing to stop and give identification at the scene of a crash
- Reckless driving
- Refusal to take a chemical alcohol test
- Fleeing or eluding a police officer
- Failure to yield causing death or injury of emergency responder, construction worker, or person operating implements of animal husbandry
- Moving violation or civil infraction causing injury or death
Five Points:
- Speeding 15 miles per hour or more in a construction zone (this is the only five-point traffic ticket in Michigan’s Driving Record Points System).
Four Points:
- Drag racing
- Impaired driving
- Younger than age 21 with any bodily alcohol content
- 16 mph or more over the legal speed limit
- 11 to 15 mph over the legal speed limit in a construction zone
- Failure to yield/show due caution for emergency vehicles
Three Points:
- Careless driving.
- Disobeying a traffic signal or stop sign or improper passing
- 11 to 15 mph over the legal speed limit
- 10 mph or less over the speed limit in a construction zone
- Failure to stop at a railroad crossing
- Failure to stop for a school bus or for disobeying a school crossing guard
Two Points:
- Six to 10 mph over the legal speed limit
- Open container of alcohol in a vehicle
- Failure to slow down or move away from a stopped emergency vehicle
- All other moving violations of traffic laws
- Refusal of Preliminary Breath Test by anyone younger than 21

A Top Defense Lawyer Can Help You Avoid a Conviction and Points
You do not want to rack up points in Michigan’s Driving Record Points System. Points can result in suspended or restricted driving privileges, increased insurance costs, and loss of goodwill from any officer stopping you for a future driving infraction. The Defense Team with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. has decades of experience getting criminal, and civil driving infractions reduced or dismissed. Reduced tickets can have fewer or no points. We have the reputation and savvy to persuade prosecutors to drop or reduce charges and convince judges to grant lenient sentences. Call us for a free consultation, and we will find a way to help you.
Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.