Oakland County’s Premier Criminal Defense Law Firm

Oakland County Criminal Defense Attorneys

Oakland County Criminal Defense Counsel You Can Count on To Protect and Defend You

The Oakland County criminal lawyers with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. are equipped with all the legal knowledge and experience to give our client’s the most robust possible defense, no matter the charges they face. Whether someone is accused of retail fraud, OWI/DUI (drunk driving), a sex crime, domestic violence or other assaultive crime, a drug charge, a fraud crime, embezzlement, a weapons charge, or any other criminal charge, we will always treat them with respect and fight to protect their freedom. If you’re seeking an Oakland County Law Firm with a well-known reputation for providing extraordinary defense, you are in the right place.

One-of-a-Kind, Effective Oakland County Criminal Defense Law Firm

Our Oakland County Criminal Defense Law Firm is unique because we will take the time to listen to our clients patiently and thoroughly, and extensively review their cases. Assault charges, theft, white-collar offenses, drugs, weapons, or any other criminal violation or accusation are our areas of expertise. We know these are stressful times, and our criminal defense attorneys do everything we can to provide clients with emotional support and the robust and fearless defense they need. While no criminal attorney can ethically promise any particular outcome, we do promise to provide a knowledgeable legal staff that will give clients endless effort and determination to get the desired results. We take pride in our well-known track record of getting the best possible results for our clients – no matter how severe the alleged offense.

Experienced Oakland County Criminal Defense Law Firm

The experienced criminal defense lawyers with our Oakland County Law Firm combine their full knowledge of the law with a determination to get you a great result. On top of that, we are committed to dedicating all the time and resources necessary to provide clients with the best defense possible. Choosing the right Oakland County criminal defense attorney for offenses involving domestic violence, alcohol and drugs, violence, white-collar allegations, federal crimes, criminal sexual conduct, or other felony or misdemeanor charges is crucial for your future. We strive to earn our client’s confidence by putting talented and successful attorneys to work hard for them. We do whatever it takes to ensure our client’s freedom.

Michigan Best Criminal Defense Attorney

Oakland County Pretrial, Trial or Appeal – Aggressive Defense

If you’ve been wrongly convicted, we can appeal the verdict. We can protect and defend you during the pretrial process if you face wrongful accusations. Don’t settle for a deal with the Oakland County prosecutor or a detective because you don’t know your rights! You will regret it. The law is often baffling and confusing to outsiders; however, a highly qualified Oakland County criminal defense attorney from LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. has the knowledge and experience to handle any criminal situation and, in many cases, stop charges altogether! We continuously work and negotiate with judges and prosecutors. That experience lets us effectively present your case and negotiate your best interests using an aggressive attack plan that other Michigan firms and solo-practice criminal defense attorneys can’t match.

In addition to defending against ALL Oakland County criminal cases, our experience extends to juvenile defense, pre-charge investigation defense, probation violations, appeals, and expungements.

Oakland County Law Firm Providing Pre-Charge Investigation and Consultation

If law enforcement officers or agents have attempted to contact you but haven’t charged you, you need our immediate help with pre-charge representation in Oakland County. Before a charge goes to court or a judge issues a warrant is the most crucial time for a criminal attorney to get involved. In many cases, we can prevent a criminal charge altogether. It is essential to have a criminal defense lawyer by your side when accused of a serious crime, such as:

  • OWI/DUI,
  • domestic violence or abuse,
  • sex crimes,
  • white-collar and financial crimes (such as theft or embezzlement),
  • hit and run,
  • weapons offenses,
  • drug crimes,
  • child pornography,
  • and juvenile crimes.

These offenses can be resolved with an out-of-court resolution or mitigated with a proactive strategy. If you act quickly, a pre-charge resolution can avoid prosecution or provide critical damage control.

Our Oakland County attorneys have experience and a track record of success handling pre-file investigations. We have successfully negotiated informal resolutions before the case gets into a prosecutor’s hands. Additionally, we can intervene to prevent our client’s arrest and arrange for a voluntary self-surrender.

DUI, OWI, OWPD, DWI – Drunk Driving or Drugged Driving in Oakland County

An OWI conviction in Oakland County could mean severe consequences, including fines, a driver’s license suspension, community service, counseling, and even jail or prison time. Being arrested for OWI in Michigan is a serious legal issue. You need to contact an experienced OWI attorney immediately to build a good defense strategy in your case. The DUI attorneys with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. know Michigan OWI laws and are highly experienced in defending all alcohol and controlled substance-related driving allegations. There is simply no higher goal for our attorneys than an outright dismissal or substantial reduction in Oakland County charges, if possible.

Attorney - Michigan - Awards

Oakland County Law Firm for Domestic Violence or Spouse Abuse

The Oakland County Domestic Violence Defense lawyers with LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. are dedicated to the passionate, tenacious, and compassionate representation of those charged with domestic violence and other related charges in the various courts throughout Michigan. We have decades of experience successfully defending against domestic violence allegations in Michigan and are adept at handling all aspects of domestic violence cases. We know that the consequences to clients and their families due to domestic violence allegations can be life-changing in a tragic way. We stop at nothing to protect our clients from being over-prosecuted, falsely prosecuted, or taken advantage of by a Michigan prosecutor or a judge who does not care enough to consider our client’s situation adequately.

Retail Fraud – Shoplifting Defense in Oakland County

Retail Fraud is also known as shoplifting. It can occur when an accused person physically removes the merchandise or alters or changes a price tag. Also, retail fraud or embezzlement can happen when someone works with an employee to steal merchandise. Retail Fraud is treated seriously in Oakland County and can have long-term repercussions for employment and student loan eligibility. Also, for people who are not U.S. citizens, the INS considers Retail Fraud a crime of moral turpitude that can lead to deportation and other immigration consequences under certain circumstances. Many businesses have written policies against hiring employees with a criminal history involving theft or dishonesty. Any person convicted of felony retail fraud is ineligible to receive federally guaranteed student loans under current law. Many people consider retail fraud a minor matter or a youthful indiscretion. In the modern era of computerized criminal histories, you cannot take a retail fraud charge lightly. Your lawyer must try to fight these cases and keep them off your record.

First-time retail fraud offenders typically face up to 93 days in jail, up to $1,000 in fines, and civil restitution, paying back the retailer for any merchandise stolen or damaged. A second offense is usually considered a high misdemeanor with severe potential penalties.

Drug Crimes and Defenses in Oakland County

One recent year, police officers arrested 1.5 million people for drug-related crimes in the United States. Some drug crimes prosecutors harshly prosecute in Oakland County, MI, include:

  • Distributing drugs
  • Drug manufacturing
  • Drug possession
  • Drug trafficking
  • Possession of a controlled substance
  • Possessing drug paraphernalia
  • Possession with intent to sell
  • Selling drugs

All Michigan drug charges are serious. Depending upon the circumstances, they carry severe legal consequences. If you have a drug charge conviction, you face jail or prison, lengthy and complicated probation, and fines. A drug-related conviction on your criminal record might cause many problems in your personal and professional life, as it may minimize your chance of obtaining a good job or a place to live.

Violation of Probation – Probation Violation Oakland County Law Firm

Sentencing often includes probation, either nonreporting probation or reporting probation. While nonreporting probation is generally restricted to merely staying out of trouble, reporting probation includes mandatory meetings with a probation officer or the judge. An Oakland County probation violation occurs when someone sentenced to probation violates any rules imposed upon them during the probationary period of the sentence. Probation may include fines, restitution to any victims, restrictions on movement or association, a prohibition against possession of drugs or guns, and other conditions. Failure to follow any of these rules may violate probation. Consequently, your probation officer might seek revocation of your probation, and jail or prison time can be a result.

Malicious Destruction of Property or Vandalism

Malicious Destruction of Property (MDOP) or Vandalism is the willful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property. Even if the property damages are minimal, it is still a crime. Vandalism can be considered either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the severity of the damage. In felony cases, the consequences can be severe, such as prison time, fines, and probation. It is essential that you have a seasoned MDOP lawyer to present an aggressive defense on your behalf.

Appeals from Oakland County Convictions

You can appeal a verdict or judgment of guilt. Whether a lawyer represented you ineffectively or failed to fight for your rights adequately, we can evaluate your case and discover any unfairness or violations of your rights. Our appellate lawyers can use deficiencies or errors to appeal the verdict and sentence. A skilled appellate lawyer must review many elements to determine the best options to appeal a conviction, so don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.

Oakland County Expungement or Motions to Set Aside Conviction

An expungement of your Oakland County criminal record allows you to answer the question honestly, “Have you ever been convicted of a crime?” with a “no”! An expungement is a legal process of erasing your criminal record of all eligible felony and misdemeanor convictions. Our criminal defense attorneys can submit a petition on your behalf and motion for the judge to set aside the conviction(s). After a successful petition, your record will be wiped clean. We can help you achieve an expungement of your record in the Oakland County Circuit Court or any of the various Oakland County district courts in Bloomfield Hills, Southfield, Waterford, Pontiac, Oak Park, Madison Heights, Novi, Clarkston, Rochester Hills, Farmington Hills, Waterford, Royal Oak, and more.

Michigan Criminal Defense Attorney

Oakland County Criminal Defense Law Firm “We Can Help You”

We are familiar with all aspects of criminal law, and even if you don’t see the charges you are facing, contact us or call us for a free consultation. We will take the time to listen to your whole story, answer your questions, address your concerns, and work with you to develop a winning strategy. When you need to find an Oakland County criminal defense attorney who understands that there is no room for errors or false promises, LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. is your best hope in Oakland County, Michigan.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

We will find a way to help you.
We Are Not Afraid to Win!

Contact Us - Michigan Criminal Defense Attorneys

“Why do some defense lawyers struggle to obtain great results in Oakland County?”

Many lawyers and law firms struggle to obtain results they might achieve in Oakland County’s neighboring counties. Oakland County has one of the highest conviction rates in Michigan. This can make it difficult for general practice lawyers, court-appointed attorneys, and mediocre criminal defense attorneys to achieve successful outcomes for their clients, as the odds may seem stacked against them. Also, prosecutors in Oakland County are known for being tough on crime and aggressive in their pursuit of convictions. This means that defense attorneys may face strenuous opposition when negotiating plea deals or defending their clients in the County’s conservative courts. LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. has successfully defended and protected clients with felony and misdemeanor charges in Oakland County for several decades. Utilizing our unique team approach, which consistently and reliably achieves extraordinary results, our clients can rest assured that everything possible is done to help them and attain the best possible outcome.