43rd District Court Judge Keith Hunt in Madison Heights, Michigan

43rd District Court - Madison Heights - Criminal Defense

43rd District Court in Madison Heights, Michigan

The 43rd District Court serves the communities of Madison Heights, Ferndale, and Hazel Park. Judge Hunt’s jurisdiction is over Madison Heights’ portion of the district. Judge Hunt is known for having compassion; however, he is a law-and-order, no-nonsense judge. A quote from him is very telling about his character and approach to criminal cases: “As Judge, I have three goals in my courtroom: to help victims heal, to keep our communities safe, and to encourage genuine accountability and rehabilitation in offenders.” Attorneys who regularly practice before Judge Keith Hunt in Madison Heights know he is knowledgeable, respectful, and vigilant.

Whereas some judges feel it is their responsibility to simply punish offenders, Judge Keith Hunt in Madison Heights is known for his open-mindedness to alternatives to jail and monetary fines, such as rehabilitation, community service, and strict probation. If you observe Judge Hunt in court, you will quickly realize that he is respectful and dignified but has no tolerance for ill-prepared attorneys. Keith Hunt demands excellence from lawyers, including prosecutors. He is not a “rubber-stamp” for the prosecution and will do what he believes is right, even if the decision is unpopular. Furthermore, he demands that defendants show respect for the courtroom.

Education and Professional Facts About Judge Hunt

Judge Hunt attended Alma College in Michigan, graduating Cum Laude. He then obtained his law degree from Valparaiso University Law School in Indiana.

Judge Keith Hunt in Madison Heights regularly attends the National Judicial College and the American Academy of Judicial Education. He belongs to the American Judges Association, Michigan District Judges Association, Oakland County District Judges Association, and the Oakland County Bar Association. He served as an Oakland County District Court Mediator, and on the Oakland County Bar Association District Court Committee, Oakland Bar Adams Pratt Foundation Education Committee, and the South Oakland Bar Association.

In addition to work within the 43rd District, Judge Hunt has been a lecturer and moderator for the F.B.I. National Academy Associates’ Michigan Police Executive Development Seminar (M.P.E.D.S.), and he has given educational, legal lectures to the F.B.I. in Detroit.

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Involved in the Community, Judge Hunt Believes in Giving Back

Judge Hunt is a member of the board of The Ferndale Citizens Benefit Foundation. In this position, Judge Keith Hunt in Madison Heights supports community projects, including the Ferndale High School Orchestra Program, Ferndale Veterans Memorial Association, Ferndale High School Scholarship Fund, Ferndale Good Fellows, Ferndale Youth Assistance, Ferndale Rotary, and Kids Dream Field.

Keith Hunt was a director of the Oakland County Mobile Meals, which delivers meals to elderly residents in Madison Heights and Ferndale. He has worked on behalf of the Child Abuse and Neglect Council of Oakland County. He hosted the Hazel Park Memorial Day Parade with Clint Adkins to honor our freedoms, veterans, armed service members, and local First Responders. Judge Hunt is involved annually with the Ferndale Eagles Nest Football Boosters to select senior athletes as recipients of the John Bassier Scholarship.

Judge Hunt has worked with local students to present mock trial exercises, supported Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.), and was a guest on W.W.J. News Radio 950, where he gave an interview about a Mothers-Against-Drunk-Driving project. Judge Keith Hunt highly values his volunteer work in Madison Heights and his work as a coach of youth sports teams because of the values he believes sports instill in young people.

Criminal Cases Presided Over by Judge Keith Hunt in Madison Heights

District courts have jurisdiction over three types of matters:

  • Civil Infractions: Tickets that carry a fine but no jail;
  • Misdemeanors: Criminal cases that carry from 30 days to one year in jail, up to two (2) years of probation, and fines or varying amounts, usually $200 to $1,000;
  • Felony Preliminary Exams: Probable cause hearings for felony cases, also known as preliminary examinations. Sentencing does not occur in district court unless the felony is plea-bargained to a misdemeanor.

District court judges also preside over the first stage of all cases, the arraignment. During a felony or misdemeanor arraignment in Madison Heights, Judge Keith Hunt informs the defendant of the charge and sets a bond or bail. An attorney will always attempt to get a personal bond (one not requiring money) instead of a cash or surety bond, which requires a cash payment.

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Examples of Common Misdemeanor Cases

  • Domestic Assault or Domestic Violence, Including Aggravated Charges
  • Retail Fraud (Shoplifting) 2nd or 3rd Degree
  • Drunk Driving 1st or Second Offense (also known as OWI or D.U.I.)
  • Drug Charges
  • Assault and Battery
  • Driving While License Suspended or Revoked

Examples of Some Felony Exam Cases Handled by Judge Keith Hunt in Madison Heights

  • Felonious Assault
  • Armed and Unarmed Robbery
  • Home Invasion
  • Criminal Sexual Conduct
  • Weapons Offenses
  • Resisting and Obstructing the Police
  • C.S.A.M. or Child Pornography Charges (Possession, Production, or Distribution)
  • Identity Theft
  • Conspiracy and R.I.C.O.
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Successfully Handling Criminal Cases Before Judge Hunt

A defense attorney who knows Judge Keith Hunt’s expectations and respects them has the best chance at the best potential outcome for your case in Madison Heights. The attorneys at LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. regularly appear before Judge Hunt, and we have had excellent experiences in his court. We believe we have a mutually respectful relationship. We believe Judge Hunt appreciates our level of preparation and our honest, steadfast determination to obtain reasonable sentences for clients. Our mission is to get charges dismissed when possible. If a conviction cannot be avoided, we focus more on treatment, counseling, and rehabilitation than jail. If you have a felony or misdemeanor case before Judge Hunt, call LEWIS & DICKSTEIN, P.L.L.C. for a free consultation, and we will find a way to help you.

Call us today at (248) 263-6800 for a free consultation or complete an online Request for Assistance Form. We will contact you promptly and find a way to help you.

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